The "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania in collaboration with the University of Palermo, Italy, le Collège Internationnal d'Étude de la Statique ( C.I.E.S.), Marseille, France, the California Institute of PsychoAcoustics , San Francisco, USA and the Romanian Association of Oral Rehabilitation and Posturotherapy (ROPOSTURO) are organizing the first World Congress of Posturology in Romania.
during the period 19 - 22 October 2005
Due to its absolute novel character, not only in our country but also on an international level as well, of this medical discipline named POSTUROLOGY, we have the pleasure to invite you to Bucharest, for "The World Congress of Posturology", organized under the respectful PATRONAGE of the ROMANIAN PRESIDENCY.
The opening ceremony of the Congress will take place at the Romanian Atheneum, on Wednesday October 19, 2005 at 17.30 hour.
The scientific support of the Congress is provided by the following universities, institutions, colleges, hospitals and associations:
Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie " Carol Davila " Bucuresti
Universita degli Studi di Messina
Universita degli Studi di Palermo
Universidade Paulista UNIP, Sao Paolo
University of Pennsylvania Dental School
The Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology, INPP, Chester
Institut de Posturologie, Paris
California Institute of Psychoacoustics, San Francisco
Privatinstitut für Regulationsverfahren, PIR, München
Collège International d'Etude de la Statique, C.I.E.S., Marseille
Medisystem Hospital - Euroclinic, Bucuresti
Spitalul Universitar de Stomatologie "Prof. Dr. Dan Theodorescu ", Bucuresti
Hospital Universidade de Lisboa
St John-Clark Pain Treatment Center, St Petersburg, FL
Sacro Occipital Research Society International, SORSI
Association Française de Posturologie, l'Hay-Les-Roses
Association pour la recherche en thérapies sur les fibromyalgies, ARTF
Gruppo studi per le Medicine Naturali, GSMN, Grassobbio (BG)
Societe Odontologique et Osteopathique de Formation, SOOF, Perpignan