STOMATOLOGY EDU JOURNAL 2020, Volume 7, Issue 1
The cost of publishing in today’s scientific e-world
Dear authors,
According to Stephen Buranyi, scientific writer with the Guardian, scientific publishing is a vast business, with revenues varying between the music recording and film industries, but far more profitable. herefore, it is not difficult to understand why the scientific publishing business is so profitable. After all, researchers need publications to advance in their career. The majority of scientific journals offer article submissions using online manuscript manager platforms, which resulted in a transition from editorial staff to contributing authors to complete the submission process and to comply with a whole series of journal guidelines […]
Constantinus Politis
Effectiveness of school-based fluoride mouth rinsing program in schoolchildren from Kandy District, Sri Lanka
Dental caries is still epidemic and a significant public health problem in developing countries. No research on a fluoride mouth rinsing program has been conducted in Sri Lanka yet. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a supervised school-based 0.2% sodium fluoride mouth rinsing program among 6 year-old Sri Lanka school children […]
Citation: Herath C, Nandasena T, Thwin KM, Abeysundara A, Ratnayak S, Ogawa H, Miyazaki H, Maeda T. Effectiveness of school-based fluoride mouth rinsing program in school children from Kandy District, Sri Lanka. Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(1):07-14.
Chandra Herath: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar
Tharanga Nandasena: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar
Kaung Myat Thwin: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | CrossRef | PubMed | Google Scholar
Anushka Abeysundara: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | CrossRef | Google Scholar
Sampath Ratnayake: ORCIDiD
Hiroshi Ogawa: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar
Hideo Miyazaki: ORCIDiD | PubMed | Google Scholar
Takeyasu Maeda: ORCIDiD | Publons | PubMed | Google Scholar
Arrest of early carious lesions after professional application of different fluoride agents
The conventional treatment of caries lesions has historically focused on the mechanical treatment of the lesion. Such an approach [17] disregards the ecological imbalances in the oral cavity, involves restorations that require replacement and which become larger with time, and can result in tooth loss. Successive investigations have reported findings that support a paradigm shift in the treatment of caries […]
Citation: Klemonskis GL, Cornejo C, Toral M, Salgado PA, Squassi AF. Arrest of early carious lesions after professional application of different fluoride agents. Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(1):15-19.
Graciela Liliana Klemonskis: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar
Celina Cornejo: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | WOS
Mariana Toral: ORCIiD
Pablo Andrés Salgado: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar
Aldo Fabián Squassi: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | WOS
Volume, asymmetry and reciprocal relationships between paranasal sinuses: a 3D segmentation study on head CT-scans
The paranasal sinuses are air-filled anatomical structures inside the skull and facial bones forming a complex interconnected system communicating with the nasal cavities through an ostium [1,2]. There are four paired paranasal sinuses: the maxillary, frontal and sphenoid sinuses, and the ethmoid cells […]
Citation: Guidugli GA, Gibelli DM, Cellina M, Oliva AG, Barni L, Sartori P, Sforza C. Volume, asymmetry and reciprocal relationships between paranasal sinuses: a 3D segmentation study on head CT-scans. Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(1):20-27
Giulia Andrea Guidugli: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar
Daniele Gibelli: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | WOS
Michaela Cellina: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar |WOS
Antonio Giancarlo Oliva: PubMed | Google Scholar
Luisa Barni: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Scopus | WOS
Patrizia Sartori: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Scopus | WOS
Chiarella Sforza: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | CrossRef | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus | WOS
Analysis of stress generated in the enamel of an upper first premolar: a finite element study
Non-carious cervical lesions involve the loss of hard dental tissues in the cervical areas of the teeth, without carious activity [1,2]. These lesions are important because, in a first stage, they can produce gingival retractions associated with teeth sensitivity [3], and in an advanced stage […]
Citation: Stănuşi A, Mercuţ V, Scrieciu M, Popescu SM, Iacov Crăiţoiu MM, Dăguci L, Castravete Ş., Amărăscu MO. Analysis of stress generated in the enamel of an upper first premolar: a finite element study. Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(1):28-34
Andreea Stănuşi: ORCIDiD | Publons | PubMed | Google Scholar
Veronica Mercuţ: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed
Monica Scrieciu: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus
Luminiţa Dăguci: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus
Sanda Mihaela Popescu: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar
Monica Mihaela Iacov Crăiţoiu: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus
Marina Olimpia Amărăscu: ORCIDiD | PubMed | Google Scholar
Immediate/early radiological findings following transcrestal sinus augmentation using a minimally invasive implant device
Augmentation of the maxillary sinus floor followed by simultaneous or delayed placement of dental implants is a well-established technique for implant-supported rehabilitation of the partially or completely edentulous patient [1-15]. Few studies documented a patient’s perception of recovery after sinus-floor augmentation [16]. The average patient should expect recovery within 5 days […]
Citation: Chaushu L, Better H, Nissan J, Xavier SP, Lorean A, Chaushu G . Immediate / early radiological findings following transcrestal sinus augmentation using a minimally invasive implant device. Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(1):35-41.
Liat Chaushu: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | CrossRef | PubMed | Google Scholar
Hadar Better: ORCIDiD | Google Scholar
Joseph Nissan: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar
Samuel Porphirio Xavier: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus | WOS
Adi Lorean: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate
Gavriel Chaushu: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | CrossRef | PubMed | Google Scholar | WOS
Unclarities about articaine: efficacy and the risk of paresthesia
Articaine is an amide dental local anesthetic, synthesized in 1969 in Germany. It was specifically developed for dental use and got its approval for clinical use in countries all over the world in the years to follow. It became increasingly popular and is now the second most used local anesthetic in dentistry. Annually, approximately 600,000,000 cartridges are manufactured […]
Citation: de Ridder N, Politis C. Unclarities about articaine: efficacy and the risk of paresthesia. Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(1):44-51.
Nicolas de Ridder: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate
Constantinus Politis: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | CrossRef | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus | WOS
Stability of skeletal class III malocclusion after orthognathic surgery and orthodontic treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Moderate to severe skeletal class III patients often require a combined orthodontic and surgical approach for treatment. It has been reported that skeletal class III malocclusion is the most frequent deformity corrected by combined orthognathic surgery and orthodontic treatment […]
Citation: Jamilian A, Nucci L, Fateh A, Toliat M, Darnahal A, Alassadi M, Wang CW. Stability of skeletal Class III malocclusion after orthognathic surgery and orthodontic treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(1):52-67.
Abdolreza Jamilian: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | WOS
Ludovica Nucci: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus | WOS
Ali Fateh: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed | Scopus
Mitra Toliat: ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar
Alireza Darnahal: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar
Madi Alassadi: PubMed
Chin Wei Wang: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar
The gold standard for detecting buried dental implants – RomiPointerTM Implant Detector of Romidan Ltd., Israel
The device detecting dental implants is a precise instrument that uses advanced technology, with an ergonomic design, easy to use and accessible, offering a non-invasive alternative to the exploratory mucoperiosteal flaps and retroalveolar radiographs, useful to qualified dental staff, implantologists and general practitioners working with dental implants […]
Florin-Eugen Constantinescu
DMD, PhD Student
Editorial Director, Product News
Treating the Complete Denture Patient
Carl F. Driscoll / William Glen Golden
Digital Restorative Dentistry
A Guide to Materials, Equipment, and Clinical Procedures
Faleh Tamimi / Hiroshi Hirayama
Clinical Cases in Pediatric Dentistry
Amr M. Moursi / Amy L. Truesdale
Dental Digital Photography
From Dental Clinical Photography to Digital Smile Design
Feng Liu
Practical Procedures in the Management of Tooth Wear
Subir Banerji / Shamir B. Mehta / Niek Opdam / Bas Loomans
Implants in the Aesthetic Zone
A Guide for Treatment of the Partially Edentulous Patient
Todd R. Schoenbaum