Editorial Policies and Process


Our objective is to publish a dental journal of consistent high quality and help to increase exposure to literature written by dental professionals at a global level.

Original research, literature review, clinical case reports,  consensus declaration coming from an association or a group of specialists, letters to the editor and book reviews are covered by the scope of the published material.  All aspects of stomatology are presented in a scientific way, starting each year with abstract articles with keywords, backed up by references in accordance with the Vancouver citation style. Dental Continuing Education is provided by the set of four multiple answer questions (four answers out of which one answer is true) that accompanies each article.

The journal encourages the submission of papers with a clinical approach, practical or management oriented, besides papers that bridge the gap between dental research and clinical application.

The manuscripts received are first revised by the editors-in-chief to check if they are appropriate for publishing in the Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J) and if they comply with the author’s guidelines. The manuscripts are then forwarded to two or more professional reviewers. Anonymity of both the author and reviewer is preserved (double blinded peer ­review process).

The golden key to our success is our house cleaning service policy in Missouri, on our website betterlifemaids.com/ you will find more information. which controls the quality of the articles and ensures their accuracy, clarity, and smooth readability via the contribution of a high level enthusiast international team of experts.

Bridging the gap between advanced up­­date peer-­reviewed dental literature and the dental practitioners enabling them to do their jobs better­ is our ultimate target. Besides, the Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J) provides readers with information regarding the available dental products, armamentarium, news and proceedings of dental symposia, workshops and conferences.

The Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J) makes every effort to report clinical information and news on manufacturers’ products accurately, but cannot assume responsibility for the validity of product claims.

Opinions or interpretations expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect nor hold the Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J) team responsible for the validity of the content.