Prerequisites to improve the quality of the editorial management system of the journal

Autors: Marian-Vladimir Constantinescu



Dear readers,
This fourth issue of the Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J) closes a stage, namely the first five years in the existence of the journal. Together with the other two Editors-in-Chief, Prof. Jean-François Roulet (University of Florida) and Professor Rolf Ewers (Medical University of Vienna), we have tried to promote it in the academic and editorial space on all possible communication channels. I am deeply satisfied to tell you that through its important research, educational and specialty work, your Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J) has managed to overcome the critical target mass of potential readers, the over 85,000 dentists in Central and Eastern European. Of course, if the 2013 census indicated there were 85,000 dentists, even though their number, with all the constant migration to the Western European countries, has increased by several thousand, the journal has been accessed by December 2018 by more than 190,000 readers, the difference being provided by readers in the United States, Great Britain, China, South Korea, India, Germany, Morocco, France, Seychelles, Greece, Turkey, Brazil, Austria, Honduras, Italy, Canada, Belize, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates and others[1].
Upon its online appearance, the Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J), in its first year of publication and after the second issue, in December 2014, had 190 unique visitors who made 534 visits to 1730 pages. There were 522 from Romania, 362 from France, 348 from Ukraine, 291 from USA, 56 from Germany, 18 from the UK, 16 from Austria, 14 from the Russian Federation, 12 from Japan, and 10 from Vietnam, Lebanon and Sweden. Now after 5 years, after the publication of 15 issues at the beginning of December, we present the readers with the following significant data: over 190,000 unique visitors they made 418,458 visits to 1,901,772 pages, 589,857, from Romania, 521,351 from USA, 177,888 from China, 164,851 from the Russian Federation, 60,674 from France, 52,791 from Ukraine, 22,552 from Germany, 13,602 from Canada, 12,346 from the United Kingdom, 12,019 from India, 8,024 from the Seychelles, 7,794 from Poland, 4.927 from South Korea, 4.191 from Brazil, 3.027 from Estonia, 2.518 from Italy, 1.913 from Moldova, 1.795 from Austria, 1.614 from the United Arab Emirates, and 1.350 from Israel. Exceeding the critical addressability number is due to several achievements accumulated during the five years of sustained activity that have increased the visibility of the Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J), namely:
• constantly increasing the quality of the articles published due to the demanding work of the team of reviewers coordinated by Professor Emeritus, Stephen F. Rosenstiel, from The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, Reviewer-in-Chief, to which there have been a series of prestigious Academic Editors associated since 2017;
• the scientific quality of the articles published has been consistently supported by the consistent language supervision permanently provided by the English Language Editor-in-Chief, Roxana-Cristina Petcu, Phil, PhD, Professor, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania;
• access granted by the American Dental Association, ADA, to our readers from the first 2017 issue for each of the Stoma Edu J issues to an article with CE Program FAQs courtesy of Professor Michael Glick, American Dental Association Journal Editor, JADA, Mr. Michael Springer, Publisher, JADA, Mr. Nawin Gupta, Director of Business Operations, ADA and Mrs Stefanie K. Jewell-Thomas, Elsevier;
• the Crossref allocation of a unique alphanumeric string, namely a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) as of 2017 and the DOI identification will be retrospectively attributed to all articles published starting with the first number;
• adding, as of 2017, to all references mentioned in the articles published alongside the Digital Object Identifier (DOI), active links from PubMed, Google Scholar and Scopus to join the quoted publications circuit;
• positioning the journal in significant databases such as:[2]; InfoBase Index[3]; Google Scholar[4]; SHERPA / RoMEO[5]; National Library of Medicine (NLM)[6]; International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)[7].
• the evaluation and indexing by the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) in 2018 as a certification of the quality of the published articles. DOAJ posted on its website 40 articles, Abstract and Full Text[8].
In the coming months, we look forward to the scientific quality review and the technical evaluation from PubMed Central (PMC) and Clarivate Analytics. The PubMed Central (PMC) assessment consists in the mandatory compliance with the minimum technical publishing standards (PDF and XML) and the quality of the articles. The obligatory technical condition of the XML format has put us in a position to look for a language-savvy collaborator. Our new collaborator, Dr. Simon Cleemput, a dental student at the University of Leuven, Belgium, has offered to support the unanimous desire of the editors and many other authors so that the Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J) could be registered in MEDLINE.
Professor J.-F. Roulet, guided by John Calvin Maxwell’s quote, an American author focusing on leadership, “You can not solve tomorrow’s problems with today’s solutions.” has decided to introduce an editorial management software The software has been successfully used by Prof. J.-F. Roulet as editor of The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry, a journal rated IF: 1.691 (2017) and Oral Health & Preventive Dentistry for many years. This editorial software is a gift offered to me by Prof J-F Roulet on my 70th birthday . The benefits of this software that simplifies the peer review process will be enjoyed by all authors of the Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J) starting with the first issue in 2019. Beginning on January 1st 2019, authors can log in to[9], create a user name and password as an author and from then on the fully blinded peer review process will be accomplished in a hopefully fast and efficient way. The submitted manuscript will then be sent to reviewers by the click of a button by the editor and reviewers will be reminded automatically if they did not meet the deadlines. In order to respond to the invitation of the Romanian Academy to stimulate the international circulation of scientific information through the electronic archive – “Academica Romanian Index”, I renew my request to every Editor who wishes to bring his scientific contribution to the Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J) that, by March 1st, they should send a CV of maximum 250 words regarding their contribution in the field, surname, names, scientific titles, current administrative titles, the institution’s logo and a recent 3.5 x 4.5 cm color photograph .
In line with the management software introduced to make the publishing team more accountable, to increase the quality of the published articles and the number of readers since 2019, the editorial board will be restructured and will be organized by topics. Allow me to thank you for your five-year presence in the Editorial Board and please do not forget the over 190,000 readers of the Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J) who are waiting to read an article written by you and your colleagues as soon as possible.
On behalf of the Executive Editorial Board, I wish you and your loved ones a Blessed Christmas, a Happy New Year, and may your home be full of peace, health, well-being and joy.

Sincerely yours,
M-V Constantinescu
