Rotational path partial dentures: an underutilized treatment modality in aesthetic dental medicine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25241/stomaeduj.2018.5(4).art.7
Aim To design a highly aesthetic prosthesis at low cost, which replaces maxillary anterior teeth without showing removable denture clasps.
Summary Today’s clinical practice is highly dictated by the increasingly demanding aesthetic standards of the modern patient. While advances in biomaterials and titanium osseo-integrated implants have made replacing missing teeth possible in a natural-looking way, many patients are not candidates for these fixed restorations due to physiological or financial barriers. In this case report, a patient with a history of anterior maxillary incisor partial-edentulism for whom fixed restorations were not feasible was treated using a rotational path of insertion partial denture. With this technique, the author was able to design a removable partial denture with no clasps showing, irrespective of the smile line height. The final result completely obscures the retentive mechanisms upon smiling and is highly aesthetic, on par with implant-retained fixed restoration, at a fraction of the cost and without the associated risks and complications of surgically-driven prosthetic cases.
Learning Points This article will review this case and the supporting literature, as well as provide guidance on laboratory prescription writing and optimal case selection.
Keywords Denture, Partial, Removable (D003832) Esthetics, Dental (D004955) denture, partial, removable (D003832) esthetics, dental (D004955).