Masking posterior tooth discolorations with color modifiers



Aim The present article provides the clinician with a fundamental principle for achieving success with direct application of resinous materials in cases of discolored posterior teeth, mainly due to amalgam corrosion of a previous restoration. The procedure, advantages, and limitations of the technique are discussed.
Summary A first upper right molar previously filled with amalgam was prepared for a direct composite resin restoration, due to secondary caries. The discolored dentin on the pulpal floor was treated with a white opaquer and a resinous corn color tint also applied with a round painter’s brush. Dentin and enamel shade stratification was performed according to the layering technique following the anatomical morphology of the tooth. Finishing was performed with extra-fine diamond burs and aluminum oxide disks. Then a silicon-rubber polishing cups system was used with a 5 μm diamond polishing paste in order to achieve high surface gloss.
Key learning points The preparation of dentin should be kept in minimum in order to follow the principle of minimally invasive dentistry. The application of an opaquer over the discolored dentin should be made in a very thin layer of 0.1 mm. The resinous color modifiers should be applied and layered homogeneously.

Keywords esthetic conservative direct restoration, posterior tooth, discolored dentin, color modifiers, tints.