Call for papers in Stomatology Edu Journal

Dear Colleague,

The Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J) invites authors, researchers and scientists to submit their original articles, meta-analyzes, systematic reviews, review articles, clinical case reports, technical procedures, consensus statements coming from an association or a group of specialists to be published in this academic journal. The Stoma Edu J is supported and reviewed by an eminent group of editors and reviewers in the field.
The Stoma Edu J offers the following benefits:
1) DOI number for each published manuscript;
2) Increasing the collection of free publications;
3) Indexing on reputable platforms.
If you have completed another study planned for 2023 and are looking to publish your paper this year, send it to as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Editorial Office
Anmol S. Kalha