Stoma EDU J 2018, Vol 5, Issue 2, p67-134

STOMATOLOGY EDU JOURNAL 2018, Volume 5, Issue 2



Peer Review – The Noblest Duty of Every Researcher

Dear readers,
In the very first editorial for the Stomatology Edu Journal, I have stated the importance of the peer review process. It is designed to guarantee that “Nothing is scientifically shown or proven before it has been published in a scientific journal with a peer review system, so one can critically judge what was done, how it was done and evaluate how solid it is.” as Andreas Linde, the editor of the Scandinavian Journal Dental Research has stated […]
Jean-François Roulet

How to empower the Editorial Board and give a new impetus to its activity: how to increase its quality, number of readers, and the way to go

Dear readers,
Now, when the Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J) has reached five years of publication, let me confess that approaching the most important national and international personalities in the field of research, education and dental practice was not a simple and barrier-free undertaking. By allowing your names to be associated with the Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J), you might have thought of the words uttered by Educator, Civil Rights Activist and advisor to United States […]
Marian-Vladimir Constantinescu


Summing up Adi Garfunkel’s life

Summing up Adi Garfunkel’s life, I keep coming back to one thought. “Never will you meet a man who loved his students more than Adi”.
I met him when I was in my third year of Dentistry. He was serving as the Dean of the Dental school in Jerusalem. Still, he had time to instruct students and encourage their scientific work. Adi was a teacher of all things. His method was simple. He taught by example. At any age, when faced with a dilemma, I have found myself coming back to one simple question. What would Adi do? […]
Prof. Gabi Chaushu, DMD, MSc Head, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tikva, Israel
Head, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery The Maurice
Gabriela Goldschleger School of Dental Medicine Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Editor Stomatology Edu Journal


Engaging on gerodontology with the platform for better oral health in Europe
The platform for better oral health in Europe is a joint initiative of the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE), the Council of European Chief Dental Officers (CECDO), the European Association of Den­tal Public Health (EADPH) and the European Dental Health Foundation (EDHF). The platform is made up of five core member organisations and thirteen as­sociate members, including the European College of Gerodontology […]
Dr. Gerry McKenna Past President
European College of Gerodontology Senior Lecturer / Consultant in Restorative Dentistry
Centre for Public Health Queen’s University Belfast Belfast BT7 1NN, UK

The Second International Congress of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest, Romania, and the 17th International Congress for Students and Young Doctors “stuDENT”

March was a month full of dental scientific events in Romania. But a core event took place in Bucharest, on March 15th-18th, at the Palace of the National Military Circle, where we had the pleasure to orga­nize the Second International Congress of the Fac­ulty of Dental Medicine, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, along with the 17th Inter­national Congress for Students and Young Doctors “stuDENT” […]
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paula Perlea
President of the Congress Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine “Carol Davila” UMPh Bucharest, Romania
Radu Gabriel Toma President of the Dental Students Association Bucharest, Romania



Beam profile characterization of a dental light curing unit using a spectrometer-based method
Light curing has revolutionized the placing of composite restorations [1]. Furthermore, light curing is used for multiple other applications such as cementing dental fixed prostheses, including indirect restorations made from ceramics or composites, sealing fissures, and bonding orthodontic brackets. Nowadays, market available light curing units (LCUs) are very well build and really intuitive which make dentists assume that light curing is a simple procedure, however it is not […]

Citation: Roulet J-F, Rocha MG, Shen C, Khudhair MM, de Oliveira DCRS. Beam profile characterization of a dental light curing unit using a spectrometer-based method. Stoma Edu J. 2018;5(2):84-91.


Comparative study regarding the effect of different finishing and polishing systems on a bulk-fill composite resin surface
Finishing and polishing are mandatory steps in direct restoration using composite resins. Obtaining a smooth surface has always been one of the main objectives of composite restorations, not only for aesthetic reasons but also for maintaining oral health […]

Citation: Nica I, Stoleriu S, Iovan G, Ghior­ghe C-A, Pancu G, Munteanu A, Andrian S. Comparative study regarding the effect of different finishing and polishing systems on a bulk-fill composite resin surface. Stoma Edu J. 2018;5(2):92-97.


Soft-tissue facial asymmetry before and after orthognathic surgery: application of a new 3D protocol
Facial dysmorphoses are not common in the western world. According to US studies, dentoskeletal Class III patients can be found in 0.6% of the general population, a much smaller value than that reported for dentoskeletal Class II patients, which is around 10% […]

Citation: Da Pozzo F, Rusconi FME, Beltramini GA, Gibelli DM, Pucciarelli V, Giannì AB, Sforza C. Soft-tissue facial asymmetry before and after orthognathic surgery: application of a new 3D protocol. Stoma Edu J. 2018;5(2):98-101.


Bonding orthodontic resin cement to zirconium oxide under orthodontics load and thermocycling effect
Due to the patients’ increased esthetic demands and the development of technology in dental materials, porcelain fused to metal (PFM) crowns and bridges are being replaced by glass based ceramic materials and monolithic Zirconium oxide […]

Citation: Hussein HS, Abdulhameed N, Shen C, Dolce C, Roulet J-F. Bonding of orthodontic resin cement to zirconium oxide under load and thermocycling. Stoma Edu J. 2018;5(2):102-108. 


Intraoral scans for CAD/CAM application
The widespread use of digital technology is to transform our everyday life: computers and digital devices offer an easier, faster and more economical alternative to conventional methods. The digital revolution also has an impact on dental procedures. It is a fact that dentistry changes and undergoes dramatic developments. In order to meet the patients’ requirements, it is important to expand […]

Citation: Borbély J, Czigola A, Vitai V, Róth I, Hermann P. Intraoral scans for CAD/CAM application. Stoma Edu J. 2018;5(2):110-117.


Comparison of dental status and oral function between the elderly with and without temporomandibular disorders
Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are the group of disorders affecting the temporomandibular joint and structure-related joint. The prevalence of TMD in the older adult population varies from 33% to 56.6% [1,2]. TMD often cause orofacial pain, limit the function of the masticatory system, and also impact on quality of life […]

Citation: Nguyen MS, Voog-Oras Ü, Jagomägi T, Saag M. Comparison of dental status and oral function in the elderly with and without temporomandibular disor­ders. Stoma Edu J. 2018;5(2):118-124.


The way to reach the gold standard in dental surgery: Integrated Surgical Studio Design KYRI

When I went to the Cologne Dental Exhibition, IDS 2017, I still had in mind the surgery room at the University Den­tistry Hospital where I had had my practical training in oral surgery. WHO estimates that dental treatments cause sig­nificant stress in over 30% of patients. Their being afraid of the […]
Florin – Eugen Constantinescu
DMD, PhD Student Editorial Director, Product News


Color in Dentistry
A Clinical Guide to Predictable Esthetics

Stephen J. Chu / Rade D. Paravina / Irena Sailer / Adam J. Mieleszko
Publisher: Quintessence Publishing Co Inc

Orthodontic Therapy
Fundamental Treatment Concepts

Herbert F. Wolf / Andrea Wichelhaus
Publisher: Georg Thieme Verlag KG

Implant Therapy in the Esthetic Zone
Current Treatment Modalities and Materials for Single-tooth Replacements

Daniel Buser / Stephen Chen / Daniel Wismeijer (Ed.)
Publisher: Quintessence Publishing Co Inc