The Stomatology Edu Journal, ISSN (printed) 2360-2406, ISSN (on-line) 2502-0285, ISSN-L 2360-2406, is a scientific journal under the auspices of the Romanian Association of Oral Rehabilitation and Posturotherapy – ROPOSTURO, a partner of the FDI regular member, the Romanian Society of Stomatology – RSS (founded in 1923) under the aegis of The Romanian Academy.

The Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J) is a new  Green Open Access journals in the field of dental medicine, publishing well-established authors, but equally committed to encouraging early career researchers and professionals alike to publish their work after a non-partisan, objective, double-blind rigorous peer-reviewed process. Our aim is to publish in the shortest possible time frame and ensure the rapid dissemination of your work via our journal page, but also through our indexing partners which reach the vast mass of dental researchers, professionals and practitioners across the world as Dr. Greene Vardiman Black stated: “the professional man has no right to be other than a continual student”.

A Green Open Access (GOA) journal means that all content is freely available to the user or his/her institution without charge. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.

The Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J) is a new international Green Open Access (GOA) dental journal whose main purpose is to inform researchers, educators, graduates, postgraduates and practitioners about the latest trends in the field, which, if followed, would bring immediate and lasting benefits to the patients; it also presents the opinions of the most authorized specialists on what is best in current practice, to the benefit of both patients and dentists.

This journal fully adheres and complies to the policies and principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) ( Code of Conduct.pdf).

All articles published by Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J)applies the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

The main aim of the Stomatology Edu Journal (Stoma Edu J) is to promote the rapid communication of scientific information between the academia and the dental practitioners.

Original research, literature review, clinical case reports, technical procedures, consensus declaration coming from an association or a group of specialists, letters to the editor, book reviews, product news and diary events are covered by the scope of the published material.

All aspects of stomatology are presented in a scientific way, and every year the journal starts with articles that have abstracts and  keywords, backed up by references in accordance with the Vancouver citation style. Dental Continuing Education is provided by the set of four multiple answer questions (four answers out of which one answer is true) that accompanies each article.

The dynamic operating policy principles of the journal (the double-blind review process) as well as its objectives are explained in the process, ensuring the publication of original articles, reviews, technical procedures and case reports of the highest quality.

Stomatology Edu Journal  is:

  • Fast — rapid review and publication
  • Rigorous — peer reviewed by at least two members of the academic community
  • Open — articles are freely available to all
  • Visible — enhanced browsing and searching to ensure your article is noticed
  • Global — worldwide media coverage
All submissions should be sent via our online manuscript submission system  at:

Manuscripts in the following subject areas will be considered for publication.

Subject Areas

  • History of Dentistry
  • Dental Anatomy
  • Anesthesiology
  • Cariology
  • Clinical Practice
  • Community Dentistry
  • Dentoalveolar Surgery
  • Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Oral and Dental Diagnosis
  • Endodontics and Traumatology
  • Aestethic Dentistry
  • Dental Education
  • Dental Ergonomics
  • Dental Ethics
  • Dental Hygiene
  • Dental Laser
  • Dental Materials
  • Adhesive Dentistry
  • Dental Microscopy
  • Dental Photography
  • Dental Public Health
  • Dental Radiology
  • Evidence-Based Dentistry
  • Forensic Dentistry
  • Gerodontology
  • Oral Epidemiology
  • Oral Implantology
  • Oral Medicine
  • Oral Microbiology
  • Oral Pathology
  • Oro-Dental Management
  • Oro-Dental Prevention
  • Occlusion and TMJ
  • Orofacial Pain
  • Orthodontics and Dento-Facial Orthopedics
  • Oral Rehabilitation
  • Pedodontics
  • Periodontology
  • Posturology
  • Prosthetic Dentistry
  • Restorative Dentistry
  • Computerized Dental Prosthetics
  • Minimally Invasive Dentistry
  • Dental Technology
  • Emergencies at the Dentist’s

Year of first publication: 2014
Date of publication: March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31
All submissions in the scientific journal Stomatology Edu Journal is free and should be sent via our online manuscript submission system  at: