

Alternative methods for accelerating the rate of orthodontic tooth movement: literature review

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25241/stomaeduj.2019.6(3).art.3



Background The rate of orthodontic tooth movement depends on two general factors: the forces used in order to cause orthodontic tooth movement and respectively the individual (biological) response of the body to these forces.
Objective The aim of this review is to offer an overview of the factors that has been mentioned in literature to accelerate the biologic response to orthodontic forces.
Data Sources PubMed, Google Scholar and Scopus databases were used.
Study selection We included in our study controlled clinical trials, but also randomized controlled trials and even cases series with more than 5 subjects that aimed to evaluate alternatives methods in accelerating the rate of orthodontic tooth movement. Publications published until April 2018 were included.
Data Extraction All the factors that had been mentioned in literature to have a positive influence on the rate of orthodontic tooth movement were synthesized and described as a review. Discover here more about what do family lawyers in San Diego, California do in case of separation and divorce. These methods are the followings: physical, surgical and chemical agents. Physical factors are easy to apply, surgical factors are invasive and the pharmacological agents we described in this article are: prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and vitamin D3.
Data Synthesis The alternatives methods that accelerate the rate of orthodontic tooth movement modulate the biologic response of the periodontal ligament to the mechanical forces. Vitamin D3 was mentioned as the most biopotent agent in accelerating the rate of orthodontic treatment. Although it has biomodulator effect on bone tissue, supplementary studies are needed in order to clarify what is the exact reduction of orthodontic treatment period.
Keywords Accelerated orthodontic tooth movement; Rate of orthodontic tooth movement; Orthodontic treatment; Biologic response.


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