10.25241/stomaeduj.2020.7(3).art.2 -abstract


Influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on dental practice: why measures should be taken – the experience of an European University Hospital (part 1)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25241/stomaeduj.2020.7(3).art.2



Introduction The Covid-pandemic does not leave the dental practice unattended. The objective is to analyze why the Covid-19 pandemic urges changes in daily dental practice in the Belgian context.
Methodology The Leuven University Hospital’s view is based on Belgian and Leuven University data and existing guidelines concerning hygiene measures in dental practices. The approach chosen is a narrative qualitative approach.
Results Although no transmission of Covid-19 has been reported in Belgian dental practices, the number of health care workers infected and deceased urges for safety measures.
Conclusions In the absence of a vaccine and of reliable data about the infectivity of droplet and droplet cores, dental procedures causing aerosol should be considered as possible sources of viral spread when treating contagious patients, symptomatic or asymptomatic.

Covid-19; Aerosol; SARS-2-COV; Personal Protective Equipment; Respirator.