Unmet dental treatment need impairs quality of life in Hepatitis C Virus-infected patients
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25241/stomaeduj.2020.7(3).art.5
Introduction The hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a health condition affecting 3% of the world population, which oral manifestations and associated factors interest both physicians and dentists. The aim of this work was to describe the dental treatment need and the impact of the perception of the oral component of health on the quality of life in HCV+ patients.
Methodology Descriptive study on a convenience sample. 45 HCV+ patients (46±5 y.o.) completed the OHIP-14 questionnaire, which consists of 14 questions grouped in 7 domains (D1 functional limitation, D2 physical pain, D3 psychological discomfort, D4 physical disability, D5 psychological disability, D6 social disability and D7 general disability). The participants indicated their responses using a Likert-type frequency scale. The Community Caries Index of Treatment Need (CCITN) was determined for each patient. The proportion and CI95% of the social impact on the quality of life were calculated. The association between CCITN and the quality of life was assessed by Chi2 (p<0.05).
Results The CCITN was 11 (8-14). The overall social impact was 38% (24-52%). The increasing order relationship of the impact on each of the domains was D1, D7, D6, D4, D5, D2, D3. A significant association between oral health-related quality of life and CCITN was observed (Chi2 = 7.57, p = 0.006), showing greater impairment of the quality of life as the treatment need increased.
Conclusion The association between CCITN and quality of life becomes evident using OHIP-14 during dental appointments. The results suggest the need for comprehensive interventions during the provision of oral health care to HCV+ patients.
Dental Care; Hepatitis C; Medical Risk; Oral Medicine; Quality of Life.