Digital Restorative Dentistry
A Guide to Materials, Equipment, and Clinical Procedures
Authors: Faleh Tamimi / Hiroshi Hirayama
The industrial revolution introduced the daily dental technologies in the digital practice as well as the corresponding restoration materials.
Faleh Tamimi and Hiroshi Hirayama, editors of the Digital Restorative Dentistry aim to present it as a guide on this topic regarding the materials, equipment and clinical procedures used in restorative dentistry.
The book is divided into two parts, along eleven chapters.
After a first introductory chapter, the three chapters of the first part, Equipment, cover digitalization (dental photography, digital radiology, digital spectrophotometers, extra- and intra- oral scanners, digital stereophotogrammetry, jaw motion tracking, facial scanning, cone beam computerize tomography), computer-aid design (2D photography, 3D design, virtual tools and CAD software) and fabrication of digital dental restoration.
The fabrication of dental restoration using digital technologies allows us to become acquainted with the techniques and materials necessary to perform the restorations, by means of subtractive or additive techniques. In turn, the seven chapters of the second part, Clinical procedures, describe a series of clinical procedures which
use the digital technology: partially denture, complete denture, fixed restoration, CAD/CAM, digital implant surgery, digital implant prosthodontics, digital technologies in endodontics.
Each of these chapters contains an introductory part, and also the advantages and limitations of using digital processes.
All the chapters are accompanied by a rich iconography and up-to-date references.
The editors manage to fill a gap in the literature, presenting the latest digital restorative dentistry related attainments and technologies covering the dental technological revolution, for both dental practitioners and dental students.
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