10.25241/stomaeduj.2020.7(1).art.5 -abstract


Immediate/early radiological findings following transcrestal sinus augmentation using a minimally invasive implant device

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25241/stomaeduj.2020.7(1).art.5



Introduction Description of the immediate/early (up to one week) cone beam tomographic findings following maxillary sinus augmentation using a minimally invasive implant device.
Methodology A self-tapping endosseous dental implant containing an internal channel that allows the introduction of liquids through the implant body and into the maxillary sinus was used for sinus augmentation. A periapical radiography was performed at the end of the procedure. For those cases where the periapical radiograph could not demonstrate a clear postoperative result, a cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT) was performed at the end of the procedure. When a CBCT device was not available an early CBCT was performed within 1 week. Twenty immediate/early postoperative CBCT’s were retrospectively evaluated for descriptive purposes.
Results 25 immediate postoperative CBCT’s were reviewed. The following radiological phenomena were noted and described – the postoperative appearance of the Schneiderian membrane; grafting material; new generated bone volume.
Conclusion Dental CBCT should be the gold standard for immediate/early postoperative imaging, following transcrestal sinus augmentation using a minimally invasive implant device, to document post grafting conditions and allow early intervention in failures.


Dental; Oral Surgical Procedures; Preprosthetic; Radiography; Sinus Floor; Augmentation.